2:01 PM Posted In andrew , anniversary , love , marriage Edit This 0 Comments »
And this is our wedding Day July 29th 2000... a Truely wonderful day!
In 10 years together we have Moved 5 times, lived in 3 different States, bought 2 brand new vehicles, Traveled across country, been seperated for 36+ months by deployments and underway. We have also been blessed with 3 beautiful Daughters, Crushed by loss of a baby at 10 weeks gestation, and are currently pregnant with our 4th and Final lil' one! We have yet to Buy a house, experience life outside the Military, go on a cruise together, or Live in one house in one state for more than 3 years. There is so very much more that we will do that I can not even fathom. With Andrew by my side anything is possible!
It has been an absolutely incredible, amazing, wonderful 10 years and I look forward to every day that is to come!
First Day of School
10:13 PM Posted In meghan , melanie , school Edit This 0 Comments »SO here are a couple of photos.....
2:30 PM Edit This 1 Comment »I am failing her and that really tares me apart. I am her Mother and should be able to find someway to help her function under all the stresses of our life right now. I just do not know what to do. Lately she is totally defiant and will argue with me about everything and anything. She wants me and only me the majority of the time and is not willing to compromise no matter what.
I feel like I am just waiting.... waiting to be back at home maybe that will fix her.... Nope did not work... Now maybe once Meghan and Melanie are back in school we can get Kate back to normal.... we'll see. Unfortunately we are traveling again the beginning of August so Normal will not happen around here for quite some time!
A Coincidence?
5:20 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
"The Cross Foundation is dedicated to building both faith and family on an ecumenical basis. The Cross Foundation has completed a 198 foot Cross at the intersection of Interstates 57 & 70 in Effingham, Illinois. This site is intended to serve as a beacon of hope to the 50,000 travelers estimated to pass the site each day. In addition, the Cross Foundation will promote the values of faith and family through other activities at the Effingham site, as well as programs to be announced shortly."
16 Weeks
11:12 AM Posted In baby Edit This 0 Comments »SO What is going on with baby now??
~The baby is around 17.5 cm in size and 160 g in weight.
~The baby can grasp with its hands, kick or even somersault by this time.
~The baby acquires reflex of suction and you can notice the baby stopping the swallowing action if a bitter solution is introduced into the amniotic fluid. The baby can even get hiccups in this stage.
~ The genitals are fully developed and a sonogram might be able to tell you the sex of the baby.
~The baby has developed reflexes like sucking, blinking and swallowing.