Less than two weeks.....
8:53 AM Edit This 1 Comment »LIFE!
9:41 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Offically have a birthdate picked out!
8:33 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Pregnancy Update 28 weeks
6:59 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
I am doing pretty well at this point still comfortable and able to get around well. I am starting to experience some swelling in my hands and feet, but over all am doing well.
As for baby? what is going on in there......
To me it feels like a gymnastics tournament. LOTS of tumbling and thumping and bumping stretching and pushing. I can feel movement all the time If I just pause for a couple of seconds and sometimes without even thinking about it I can feel the movements. She is most active in the evening when I am relaxing after the big Sisters are in bed.
Our little work in progress is now about 2.5 pounds and almost 16 inches long. She's busy adding new skills such as blinking to an already impressive repertoire of tricks like coughing, sucking, hiccuping, and taking practice breaths. At this point the lungs are also nearly fully matured, so we can start to breathe a little easier that we are at the point in which this baby can survive outside the womb. (although mom needs those 11 weeks so do not even think about it lil' one!).
**** To all who have not noticed or participated I added a baby pool on the right side there-----> it would be fun if you'd add your guess!****
Remembering 911
11:02 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Isn't it too EARLY for NESTING????
7:49 PM Edit This 1 Comment »Life
11:03 PM Edit This 1 Comment »Needing a duplicate me....
3:29 PM Edit This 2 Comments »Meghan is 8 ....
1:20 PM Edit This 0 Comments »20 weeks! or half way
6:23 PM Edit This 1 Comment »

I found her....
8:21 AM Edit This 2 Comments »10 YEARS!
2:01 PM Posted In andrew , anniversary , love , marriage Edit This 0 Comments »
And this is our wedding Day July 29th 2000... a Truely wonderful day!
In 10 years together we have Moved 5 times, lived in 3 different States, bought 2 brand new vehicles, Traveled across country, been seperated for 36+ months by deployments and underway. We have also been blessed with 3 beautiful Daughters, Crushed by loss of a baby at 10 weeks gestation, and are currently pregnant with our 4th and Final lil' one! We have yet to Buy a house, experience life outside the Military, go on a cruise together, or Live in one house in one state for more than 3 years. There is so very much more that we will do that I can not even fathom. With Andrew by my side anything is possible!
It has been an absolutely incredible, amazing, wonderful 10 years and I look forward to every day that is to come!
First Day of School
10:13 PM Posted In meghan , melanie , school Edit This 0 Comments »SO here are a couple of photos.....
2:30 PM Edit This 1 Comment »I am failing her and that really tares me apart. I am her Mother and should be able to find someway to help her function under all the stresses of our life right now. I just do not know what to do. Lately she is totally defiant and will argue with me about everything and anything. She wants me and only me the majority of the time and is not willing to compromise no matter what.
I feel like I am just waiting.... waiting to be back at home maybe that will fix her.... Nope did not work... Now maybe once Meghan and Melanie are back in school we can get Kate back to normal.... we'll see. Unfortunately we are traveling again the beginning of August so Normal will not happen around here for quite some time!
A Coincidence?
5:20 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
"The Cross Foundation is dedicated to building both faith and family on an ecumenical basis. The Cross Foundation has completed a 198 foot Cross at the intersection of Interstates 57 & 70 in Effingham, Illinois. This site is intended to serve as a beacon of hope to the 50,000 travelers estimated to pass the site each day. In addition, the Cross Foundation will promote the values of faith and family through other activities at the Effingham site, as well as programs to be announced shortly."
16 Weeks
11:12 AM Posted In baby Edit This 0 Comments »SO What is going on with baby now??
~The baby is around 17.5 cm in size and 160 g in weight.
~The baby can grasp with its hands, kick or even somersault by this time.
~The baby acquires reflex of suction and you can notice the baby stopping the swallowing action if a bitter solution is introduced into the amniotic fluid. The baby can even get hiccups in this stage.
~ The genitals are fully developed and a sonogram might be able to tell you the sex of the baby.
~The baby has developed reflexes like sucking, blinking and swallowing.

9:57 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
9:52 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Kinder Promotion
11:27 AM Edit This 0 Comments »12 weeks
8:38 AM Edit This 1 Comment »I am feeling pretty good and starting to get snug in some of my pants, but have not gained any weight. I can feel the baby bubble in my tummy and it is getting uncomfortable to lay on my tummy. I am finding that I have a bit more energy, I am still hungry a lot but, and not having that yuck nauseous feeling any more. I am however not experiencing the heartburn again every night about the same time no matter what I eat Mr. Heartburn shows up about an hour before I usually go to bed.

So what is going on with baby?
~she is now about 2.5 inches long
~her hands are fully formed and she is growing fingernails
~her face looks unquestionably human: her eyes have moved from the sides to the front of her head, and her ears are right where they should be.
Meghan's new hair cut!
7:54 PM Posted In meghan Edit This 2 Comments »LOVE YA MEG!
A to Z all about ME!
8:31 PM Edit This 1 Comment »• Are you available? No 100% Taken!
• What is your age? 30
• What annoys you? Noisy eaters
• Do you know anyone named Billy? Hmmm..... Not that I can think of
• When is your birthday? September 9
• Who is your best friend? Andrew and Julie
• What's your favorite candy? Godiva Truffles YUMMY!
• Crush? My hysband!
• When was the last time you cried? Saturday Night
• Do you daydream?: Occationally
.• What's your favorite kind of dog? Chocolate Lab
.• What day of the week is it? Sunday
• How do you like your eggs? Over Medium.
• Have you ever been in the emergency room? Yes a few times Usually not for myself though
• Ever pet an elephant? I do not think so
• Do you use fly swatters? Oh yes or whatever I can get my hands on!
• Have you ever used a foghorn? again Nope
• Is there a fan in your room? A box fan and a small fan.. No AC in Cali need I say more
• Do you chew gum? I do occationally
• Do you like gummy candies? not really
• Do you like gory movies? Not at all!
• How are you? Hanging in there
• What's your height? 5'3"
• What color is your hair?Blonde right now
• What's your favorite ice cream? I LOVE ICE CREAM!!! My current fav is Ben and Jerry's FroYo half baked!
• Have you ever ice skated? A few times in Middle school I was never very good.
• Ever been in an igloo? No
• What's your favorite Jelly Bean? Starburst cherry
• Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?Oh yeah
• Do you wear jewelry? Just my wedding rings and two sets of earrings that I never take out.
• Who do you want to kill? I do not want to kill anyone but there are a select few I could send to another planet
• Have you ever flown a kite? yep... I love to do this!
• Do you think kangaroos are cute? I do
L• Are you laidback? That depends on who you ask
• Lions or Tigers? Tigers
• Do you like black licorice? not really
• Favorite movie as a kid? The Breakfast Club
• Ever shopped at Moosejaw?I have no idea what that is
• Favorite store at the mall? I have not been to a mall in a long time..... we'll go with Build-A-Bear... LOL
• Do you have a nickname? Janey
• Whats your favorite number? 9
• Do you prefer night or day? hmm.... Both have there pluses.... I guess days for the most part
• What's your one wish? Tobe able to Build the house of Our dreams!
• Are you an only child?No... I have to lil' brothers who I guess are not so little anymore!
• Do you like the color orange? I have nothing against orange
• What are you most paranoid about? Someone kidnapping my children and or breakinginto the house while we are in it
• Piercings? 3 in each ear
• Do you know anyone named Penelope?I do not
• Are you quick to judge people? Not really
• Do you like Quaker Oats? in no bake cookies they are AWSOME!!
Do you know anyone that makes quilts?ME!
•Do you think you're always right? Most of the time
• Do you watch reality TV?Um..... yes I do it is my guilty pleasure.
• Reason to cry? missing my husband
• Do you prefer sun or rain? Sun please!
• Do you like snow? Yes I do once in a while
• What's your favorite season? Fall
• time is it? 8:56 pm.
• What time did you wake up? 7:30 am
• Can you ride a unicycle? NO I am not that coordinated
• Do you know anyone with a unibrow? Me, Meg, Kate.... I am pretty sure mike and rick were both blessed with it and we can ALL than My dear old Dad he has one too!
• Uncles do you have? I have one
• What’s the worst vegetable?Brussel Sprouts!
• Did you ever watch Veggie Tales?I LOVE veggie tales... I could sing you the song if you like
• Ever considered being vegan? Um... Not a chance I like me some meat!
• What's your worst habit? I really do not think I have any good habbits
• Do you like water rides? I LOVE THEM!
• Ever been inside a windmill? No
• Have you ever had an x-ray? yes
• Ever used a Xerox machine? Yep
• Do you like the color yellow? how can you not like yellow
• What year were you born in?: 1978
• Do you yell when you're angry? Yes
• Do you believe in the zodiac? No
• What's your zodiac sign? Virgo
• When was the last time you went to the zoo? Um.... I think it was in April we LOVE The Zoo!
A gift of ONE MORE!
8:28 AM Edit This 0 Comments »D-day
8:23 AM Edit This 1 Comment »Dance Dance Dance
9:02 PM Posted In melanie Edit This 0 Comments »Two Melanies They LOVE that they have the same Name too funny!
The Girls before the show
One Of Mel on Stage!
All is well in the womb!
4:30 PM Edit This 3 Comments »
Making Mischief
7:17 AM Edit This 1 Comment »We were out of the house ALL day. She had spend the Day with Aunt Kristy so that I could go on a field trip with Melanie. We returned home at 5pm and I cooked
It's like waiting for the storm.....
7:21 AM Edit This 2 Comments »Bad Mommy Moment!
5:55 PM Edit This 0 Comments »WHAT a Weekend.... Busy Busy Busy!
6:55 PM Edit This 0 Comments »New Hair Cut
11:28 AM Edit This 0 Comments »I figure probably in a couple weeks it will be exactly what I wanted. Although each day I fix it myself I like it a bit more. which is good because there is kind of no turning back at this point!
I am also Moving back towards blond in the color already, It seems to get lighter all the time. I guess you can't hide your true colors too long.
Who knew it was so hard to keep secrets from your kids?
1:20 PM Edit This 4 Comments »A "meme"..... Why? Because I am not doing anything productive right now ... why NOT!
8:27 PM Edit This 0 Comments »1. My uncle once : Once Promised to take me to a Broadway show, but never actually got around to taking me.
2. Never in my life : Have I took a single puff of a cigarette
3. When I was seventeen : I was young and in Love and Naive about so much!
4. High School was : Good Most of the time.
5. I will never forget : The first time My husband said "I love you", & Seeing each of my babies for the first time.
6. I once met : A man who changed the way I saw my future... So I married him!
7. There’s this girl I know who : Used to be one of my best friends, We had a huge falling out and only years later did I come to realize I have her to thank for the wonderful life I have now.
8. Once, at a bar : Hmmm.... I do not have a bar memory that stands out.
9. By noon, I’m usually : Home from my second of three trips to the school that I make ever day!
11. If only I had : Money Lots and LOTS of money! I could pay everything off, buy a house and have NO worries!
12. Next time I go to gym/church : gym... LOL I am too self conscious to go to gym, Church.... I'd like to find a church I feel comfortable at, here!
13. Susan Boyle : Is a very humble lady who was given an amazing gift of a singing voice and a nice dose of self confidence to go with it
14. What worries me most : The impending separation from my husband, and the unknown of so many things that could happen in the next months.
15. When I turn my head left, I see : The fish Tank.
16. When I turn my head right, I see : The couch.
17. You know I’m lying when : I don't know I am not a very good Liar so I try not to.
18. What I miss most about the eighties :The innocence of child hood.
19. If I was a character in Shakespeare, I’d be : a star crossed lover... LOL
20. By this time next year : Hmmm..... I hope that we will be looking to move back east.
21. A better name for me would be : I can not think of a better name BUT I would like to add a y to t he one I have and remove the space so... JayneAnn
22. I have a hard time understanding : Katelynn when she sings her little made up songs.
23. If I ever go back to school, I’ll : be a nurse!
24. You know I like you if : I invite you to my home.
25. If I ever won an award, the first person I’d thank would be : Andrew, and My Mom and Dad.
26. When I compare 80’s rock to 90’s rock : Um.... I can say I could tell you which was which.
27. Take my advice, never : Ignore your instinct!
28. My ideal breakfast is : A raisin Bagel with cream cheese, and a cup of hot tea.
29. A song I love, but do not own is : There are so Many I can not pin point one.... Um ... Not sure nothing jumps out.
30. If you visit my hometown, I suggest : Meaning where I currently live.... I would say Let's hit the Beach You must put your feet in the pacific ocean.
31. My favorite Beatle is : Yeah I do not have a favorite Beatle ... I'd be lucky to be able to name them!
32. Why won’t people : Mind their own business.
33. If you spend the night at my house : I'd be thrilled I love to have visitors.
34. I’d stop my wedding for : I do not really get this one... I guess I would have stopped my wedding for a medical emergencies or if one of the kids had gotten hurt.
35. The world could do without : Whew.... Drugs.... War..... Guns
36. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than : than eat it.... LOL
37. My favorite blonde is : Phoebe Buffey! If she was a true blonde which I am not sure of!
38: Paper clips are more useful than : Tape??
39. If I do anything well, it’s : you are asking the wrong person... I am very critical of me! I guess keep my word.
40. And by the way : It is time for bed!